A trend I’ve recently noticed is free concerts in Libraries. Uncertain whether I had the time or whether yesterday’s Saturday matinee concert was for me, I just headed to the Library with an open mind.

Seeing the poster and flurry of activity setting up, I decided to attend even though it was “outside my usual”. It was intimate, it was easy to network with attendees, the talent was unique and it was an immersion into the stories and sounds of Ireland. But most importantly it was only an hour investment in my time.

The experience left me energized, joyful and as refreshed as a full length concert. The real gift of attending was the perspective I gained about the day's priorities. This simple action demonstrated that a DayCation can be divided into smaller parts.

What will it take for you to take a solo ConcertCation?

Shown is the Celtic Duo - Jeanne Freeman & Claudine Langilli performing at the Burroughs and Saden Public Library in Bridgeport, CT.